UMass Boston

View of campus from water at dusk.

UMass Boston
Human Resources

In This Section


UMass Boston Human Resources promotes the university’s strategic goals and commitment to inclusive excellence and belonging for all employees by fostering a workplace culture that emphasizes respect and well-being, personal accountability, responsive and efficient processes, and dedication to compliance.

Graduation Cap with words saying I did it.

Training & Development

Workshops and certificate series are open to all UMass Boston faculty and staff. Participation is voluntary. If an employee is interested in participating in a course, he/she should discuss dates and times with their immediate supervisor so that adequate coverage can be maintained while the employee is attending.

Learn About Training
Yoga pose in front of Campus Center.

Wellness Initiative

We offer an excellent work-life balance and an attractive benefits package.

Explore Wellness at UMass Boston


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Contact Human Resources

UMass Boston
Office of Human Resources
100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125

Phone: 617.287.5150
Fax: 617.287.5179

Located in the Quinn Administration Building, 3rd Floor, Room 076

Browse Human Resources Directory